At one retreat where I shared, I took photos of each of the men and listened to some of their stories for a Christian "Hall of Fame" series I had in mind. If they lined up in a row and you did not know they were Christians, you would tremble in your boots. However, the incredible grace and power of God moved more mightily than did their Harleys as they rode off.
As I speak at different places, I take note that governors and senators seem remarkably absent. Jokingly I often ask, "Who are you? I was promised a quality crowd." Indeed, Paul describes us in 1 Corinthians 1 as "not many mighty or noble, but weak and foolish, instead." Amazing.
Why is it that we never name our churches in accordance with that description? "First" church rubs our egos far more than "Weak and Foolish" church. Revival movements often drink their poison by desiring to prove to the world that they are actually somebody. One movement, formed by those rejected and despised by mainline churches, somehow needed to prove something to themselves and the world by building the finest buildings in town-a far cry from their storefront beginnings. No "weak and foolish" there.
I wonder why Isaiah described Jesus as having "no form or beauty that we should desire him." This was even before they beat him beyond recognition.
In this politicized age, we know that homely never gets elected, not even to a pulpit. If television is your goal, you certainly need a good head of hair or a reasonable facsimile.
I wonder why the "common people heard him gladly." Common people never get invited to President's Prayer Breakfasts. If you are not a person of power able to command significant votes, forget it.
In this issue is a letter thanking me for telling of my son's comment that our judging of human beauty was probably a result of the fall of mankind, because, to God, everyone is beautiful. In fact, even the ugliest merited the highest purchase price ever paid in the history of the universe.
Maybe, when Jesus said to permit children to come to him, he established a value principle. Just maybe.
Maybe, the fact that the writers of the Gospels failed to describe Jesus physically might have been to give him a break. Just maybe.
Maybe the motley crew of street-level men he called Apostles composed of zealots and tax collectors, aggressives and recessives establishes his value of people and view of The Church. Just maybe.
I wonder who might be hiding out in the "highways and byways" who need compelling since they certainly were not the first choice of guests. Maybe they are the subjects of another great revival if Jesus tarries. Just maybe.
Maybe, in the meantime, we should disappear into the shadows and busily do the work of the Kingdom and hope that a politician or person of power never notices us. Just maybe.
— Gayle Erwin
We at Servant Quarters have moved our offices once again. After eight years of being in crowded industrial office areas, we finally have an office in a more inviting area. If you are ever in the Palm Springs/Cathedral City area, you are welcome to visit our office. We are now at 68975 Corral Road in Cathedral City. Our mailing address, Box 219, has not changed. Call us at 321-0077 before you come so we can dust ourselves off.
Volume 22, Number 2
Servant Quarters is sent free for the asking by mail or e-mail as a ministry
of Gayle Erwin. You can contact us at:
Servant Quarters
PO Box 219
Cathedral City, CA 92235
FAX 760-202-1139
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Thank you for your message and the simple way in which you deliver it in your books, tapes and in person. I won't whine about the details, but I have had a rather challenging couple of years and have managed to fill my life with all sorts of extraneous junk in the process. Your message of simplicity, the "one-string guitar" that you carry has been very helpful to me. More helpful than you'll ever know. I can't say I have that same one-stringed instrument yet, but, with your help, I have exchanged my harp for a banjo!
Doug Osborne
Olympia, WA
Well-stated on the "leaven of Herod." Amazing that the warnings so simply put by our Lord have been so ignored by the last generation of believers. I remember a specific round of conversations that black-marked our work as we did not climb on board during the "moral majority movement" which was clearly the leaven of Herod. Gerald
Your humor is a joy and your teachings life-changing, but last year in Boston, you did a wonderful thing for me. Between the first and second services, I had my three small boys with me and you were so kind and patient to them. It was like you knew them, and you spent time talking to me, also.
My husband had just left for a job in California. It was a difficult and painful time for me. You showed me Christ's love that day. While my husband has been gone, I have seen Christ in so many brothers and sisters.
Anyway, the best thing you did for me that day was recommend a church in Bakersfield, CA for me and my children to go to. I loved it. I loved the fellowship. They took us under their wing and loved us so much. My children loved Sunday School and Ken and Paula Armstrong were such a blessing to me. I developed friendships that will last into eternity.
Nancy Spano
Your ministry has been a huge blessing to me. I think about and refer to the servant nature of Jesus all the time. I really love your communication video and look forward to watching it again. Big blessings from the Evangelical Free Church.
Tom Mason
First time to hear you, just happened to be on the station and cannot remember whether it was Family Radio or another one (CSN) but got so involved in your "sermon" on "Guaranteed Happiness" and laughed so much I decided to buy one of your videos to show to my grandchildren. None of them know the Lord and I felt humor might be a good way to reach them.
A Friend
After hearing your message, we find ourselves still filled with "exceeding joy!" Your joyous message brought smiles to our faces and tears to our eyes.
It is awesome to understand the magnitude of the gift we have been given and yet humbling to recognize we did nothing to deserve it.
Mario and Shana Fimbres
San Diego, CA
We are watching your videos on Wednesday evening for our Bible Study time at church. It is making some take a closer look at their approach to Jesus.
We are still giving away your books. Two exchange students in our church family, one from Italy and one from Denmark are getting an earful on the life style of Jesus.
Bob and Rillis Barnes
Jackson, TN
For your many years of teaching your "one-of-a-kind" messages, the books, cassettes and videos, for lasting joy, thank you! Several years ago when you were in Albuquerque teaching, I found, on a table, a large Jesus Style poster. Looking around, I found two in a wastebasket! Brought them home, framed them and now they grace a space from my entry to our guest bedroom.
Joyce Archer
Albuquerque, NM
Thank you for having your teaching program "The Jesus Style" on KRTK radio in Pocatello, Idaho. The radio station has been a wonderful encouragement to my family living in a highly Mormon populated area.
Your program has helped my wife and me through a very trying time with a new baby who is having a hard time eating and digesting. We gladly receive any and all things that have come into our lives because we know that they are Father-filtered. However no one said it would be easy, but Jesus said it would be worth it.
Ty, Laurie, Joshua and Caleb
Gayle DEAN Erwin, I wanted to send you a note and thank you for the good word that you lip synched for us at the pastor's conference in Atlanta. I was impressed with the fact that your lips always moved correctly with what came out of the speakers.
My wife admonished me for not telling you that it is because of your telling about how you would give the blessing to your kids every night that we sing the blessing to ours, or I at least attempt to sing it, every night before they go to bed. Our children will not allow us to leave their room without singing it. Thank you for making that an integral part of our family life.
Dean Christian
Durham, NC
I always enjoy your take on the Scripture and the in-depth thinking. I was also impressed with the thought that you brought up at the High Sierras Pastors Conference about your son saying that "human beauty is a result of the fall of mankind." I've always been fascinated by the fact that as we get to know people, their frailties and how the world rates them falls away.
Terry Johnson
Westwood, CA
I thank God for the opportunity to hear you in Spokane, WA. I recently accepted Christ as my savior even though I grew up attending Pentecostal churches as a child in rural Kansas and Washington. I could go on to tell you my story of how tragedy, sadness and guilt in my early teens caused my heart to harden and drove me to near self-destruction, but the truth is that my biggest obstacle was truly myself, my willfulness and, most of all, my pride.
I am now convinced that giving all the glory to God is one of the most merciful of his commandments, because I now see that pride is not just a stumbling block, but opens Pandora's box and pride binds us to the nature of the destructive path we are embarked on.
I work in what I consider to be one of the most arrogant industries in the world and continually pray about how to keep Christ in the forefront at all times (it is a daily struggle), but our Lord answers prayer. Yesterday, He told me that I needed him and not vice-versa and that if I get puffed up because I think God is on my team that I deserve and will take a fall!
Right away this morning, He was speaking to me again about pride and that I should start writing about it so that I will continually be reminded of my biggest fault. I will probably be writing for the rest of my life!
A Friend
Colville, WA
The following is taken from a newsletter called "Stratioace" which is published through email by Jon Cardwell.
Like most of you, I use this season to express to the unbelieving world that the Savior of the world did come, He laid aside His glory for a period of time, and put on human flesh... and He didn't start out as a grown man. Oh no. Our Lord comes to the world as a baby, laid in a feeding trough. In his book, The Jesus Style, Gayle Erwin paints a much better word picture than I could. And this would be the perfect segue into my end of the year message: "Some Heroes."
Though I would like to share something about everyone who has impacted my life, you and I know that we couldn't possibly do that yet as we are not yet glorified in eternal life and we are still restricted to the confines of time. Without further ado, some heroes...
Servant of Souls... On the evenings that the whole family can get together at the dinner table, we use that as an opportunity to read. We started this around five or six years ago, not long after we returned from the Philippines. Normally, I read to the family but recently our 13-year-old daughter, Leah, has been reading to us as well. Lately, we have been crying, laughing, and growing through the tales told by one of God's most charming servants, Gayle D. Erwin.
Gayle, the author of The Jesus Style, The Father Style, and The Spirit Style has also written two books of true stories that warm the heart and inspire the soul: That Reminds Me of a Story and That Reminds Me of Another Story. These two books have been our dinner table companions. Gayle's books are so marvelous that I recommend that you get up and go get them right now. Go ahead...but make sure you come back and read the rest of this issue. Are you back? Okay, then.
I first met Mr. Erwin in 1993 while I was at Calvary Chapel of Olongapo City in the Philippines through the pages of his book, The Jesus Style. I picked up the hard copy edition and noticed that it was autographed to the pastor, Mike Vrooman. I asked Mike about it and he told me a very funny story about how he met Gayle at a Pastor's Conference (I'll let Pastor Mike tell you about it if he wants). I read the book and I fell even more deeply in love with Jesus. It was amazing.
About three years ago, my wife and I were sitting with our friends, Jeff and Marilyn, at Calvary Chapel Corona when Marilyn pointed out a suspender-clad gentleman in the front row who was raising his hands in worship. "Is that Gayle Erwin?" she whispered. It turned out to be the one and only. When he took the podium to deliver God's message to us, he had us laughing and crying and agreeing that what we saw in scripture was "g-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-d news." After the service, I bought all five of his books and told him the story of how I'd first "met him." We hugged and I haven't seen him since. But I do get to keep a bit of him as I read his books and his newsletter-Servant Quarters.
Jon Cardwell
Riverside, CA
I heard you at Spring Valley Church in Las Vegas in February and bought a set of your books. I have read 5 of them so far-all excellent. My wife used your Las Vegas sermon for her ladies prayer study. I am going to teach The Jesus Style at our home fellowship.
Don Fanell
Honolulu, HI
Twelve years ago I was recovering from "religionitis." Basically I was hurt by "the church." I had taken my eyes off Jesus and put my eyes on man. I met you at a men's conference and you showed me the true nature of Jesus. You ate with the guys. You were up until 3 a.m. praying, laughing and crying with them. You were the real deal. Years later, the Lord called me into full-time pastoral ministry.
Last month, as I was visiting a lady who had just lost her husband, she told me about how you were her pastor back in the 70's. She told me that she wished you could do the funeral, but that you were probably too busy. She had made arrangements with another pastor.
On my way back to my office I felt impressed by the Lord to call you and tell you about one of your sheep from years ago. I, too, knew of your Hong Kong to Kalamazoo schedule and I thought that you would be on the road. I called, we chatted briefly about the funeral and then said our good-byes.
A week later, the pastor who conducted the funeral walked into my office and said, "Your buddy, Gayle, came to the funeral." After he left I cried tears of joy. After all these years Gayle still walks the Jesus Style. God bless you my faithful friend.
Rene De La Cruz
Victorville, CA
The last few weeks we have been watching your videos (at GFA training center). We went through "The Jesus Style," "The Father Style," "The Spirit Style" and some other ones.
The students really took it in. So many were taking notes and writing thoughts down. Especially the teaching on the Holy Spirit made a lot of things really clear for many students. Often, when people teach on the Holy Spirit, they forget about Jesus. Your approach really answered a lot of questions that many students were having. We have so many students from different backgrounds, but the teaching was easy for everyone to understand clearly.
We distributed more than 200 Jesus Style books that we had at the office. The students are really soaking it in. You have sparked a passion in so many students to want to know the real Jesus.
Just wanted to let you know that your teaching is changing a lot of lives by showing them who Jesus really is.
Daniel Punnose
Kerala, India
Daniel is the son of K. P. Yohanan (also known as Yohanan K. Punnose, but that is not his last name and it is a long story intelligible only to those who have been to India. For instance, by their methods, my name is E. K. Gayle.) and is being greatly used of God in ministry in India, also. I am, to him and his students, "Uncle Gayle."
Below are some excerpts from the letters the students wrote to me. Also, each letter asked me to come and teach in person. I will do that in November. I plan to take Terry and Nancy Clark with me and also do a worship seminar for them. (Um, kaf, kaf....If you would like to assist in sending Terry and Nancy, call me at 1-888-321-0077.)
Please keep in mind that they have been primarily watching the "God's Nature" video set which is our most important and most distributed set. It is an 8-hour series. If you think I am telling you all of this because I want you to order a set, you are correct!
Excerpts from letters from Bible School students in India:
I have never been so thrilled by anyone as I was hearing your simple but thought-provoking points on Jesus, Father and Spirit nature.
It was the most significant teaching I heard in my life.
After hearing the Father's nature, I was so happy to have such a loving God, so I said, "Thank you Father for loving me" in my heart, then tears roll down my cheeks and I can't control it. I was happy and filled with joy and peace. From that time onward I felt God's presence in me and I don't want to discourage Him.
We can understand clearly because you know exactly how to demonstrate and give examples.
I know that I have to change much more than I thought.
I really wonder how you brought all the nice ideas of scripture in a way that we can understand very easily. Praise God for your practical life and teaching.
Cleared my doubt about the Father. Now I am closer to my Lord.
The way you presented Jesus was so real. It was almost as if I could reach out and touch him.
Through your message, in the coming days, many people will know about God. God bless you, Uncle.
Many call us with concerns about Israel and whether we will succeed in going this year. Here is what we can say at this moment. I believe that after the current round of clashes, the main source of terrorist activities will be broken and there will be a good period of quiet. Certainly, there will not be peace, because as long as there is an Israel in existence, the Muslim world will harbor hatred and seek its destruction.
Nonetheless, we will delay our decision until June as to whether this year's trip is feasible. In the meantime, airline schedules are our greatest problem. It appears that, because of airline schedule changes, we will now need to leave on December 1 rather than 2 and that will increase the cost by $100. We will let you know of any other changes.
Latest scripture in the meal tray of Alaska Airlines:
I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name O most high.
Psalm 9:2
The popularity of Servant Quarters and the needs of the Post Office clash more and more, so, thanks to a new friend who has the equipment and software, we will begin offering this newsletter by e-mail.
If you would be just as happy (or even happier) receiving this newsletter by e-mail rather than as paper in your mailbox, just let us know.
Write to us (how quaint) or e-mail us with the name and the address where you have been receiving the newsletter and the e-mail address you wish to use and we will send the next issue to you by email. One advantage: you will get the issue earlier. The promise? As with your address, we will never release it to anyone else.
E-mail us at